Institutional Research
Contact us
Tishana McCloud
Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research
Data Analyst
Email: tmccloud@swau.edu
Call: (817) 202-6870
Student Consumer Information
The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) requires that all postsecondary institutions participating in federal student aid programs provide the following information to current and prospective students. [Much of the enclosed information can be found on the University website under Student Consumer Information.]
Student Outcomes
The University graduate will:
Have knowledge in the humanities/fine arts, social/behavioral sciences, natural sciences, and mathematics
Be able to communicate effectively through the spoken word, the written word, and the use of other abstract symbol systems
Be able to think critically and solve problems
Possess the attributes of growth: ability, tolerance, self-reliance, compassion, and a love of learning
Have a commitment to high moral and ethical standards
Have knowledge of Seventh-day Adventist values and beliefs
Possess leadership skills and a commitment to service
Possess the knowledge, skills, and personal attributes to function effectively in the workplace
Possess cultural sensitivity and a global perspective
Graduation Rates 2022 (IPEDS)
Four Year: 32%
Six Year: 40%
Eight year: 44%
Retention Rate 2022 (IPEDS)
Pass rates*
Nursing Department: NCLEX Pass rate - 88% (2021)
Education Pass rate: PPR – 80%; Non – PPR – 90% (2021-2022)
Placement of employment*
Job Placement Rates (130 graduates):
81 percent employed in their profession
10 percent furthering their studies in graduate school
6 percent not working or taking advanced studies in their field of study
3 percent unaccounted for
Types of Graduate and Professional Education Graduates enrolled*
Most of our graduates who continue with their education do so at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California, or here at Southwestern Adventist University.
*This information was obtained from students surveyed by faculty and staff during the spring 2019 semester for graduates in the 2018-2019 academic year.
General Institution Information
- The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Privacy of Student Records (See Bulletin, pages 53 and 54, under Student Records, Student Rights and Student Records, Southwestern Adventist University Rights)
- Consumer Information on College Navigator Website*
- Facilities and Services Available to Students with Disabilities* (See Bulletin, page 65, under Counseling and Testing Center, also Student Handbook, page 4, under Counseling and Outreach Center)
Fall 2022 | |
Male | 40.3% |
Female | 59.7% |
American Indian/Alaska Native | 0.5% |
Asian | 6.3% |
Black/African American | 12.0% |
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander | 0.1% |
Hispanic of any race | 43.0% |
International | 2.6% |
Unknown | 9.6% |
Two or more races | 4.0% |
White | 20.4% |
- Price of Attendance
- Net Price Calculator
- Refund Policy, Requirements for Withdrawal, and Return of Title IV, HEA Financial Aid (See Course Catalog, Finances section); ( Tuition, Room & Board Institutional Refund); (Refunds of Federal/State Funds)
- Textbook Information*
- Academic Program: Educational Programs, Instructional Facilities, and Faculty* (See Course Catalog, page 36 under Instruction Facilities; also Student Handbook, pages 5 and 6)
- Names and degrees of current Faculty members
- Plans for improving the academic program
- Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreements;* CLEP; AP Credit; Transfer Credit; Credit for Military Service Schools
- Institutional and Program Accreditation, Approval, or Licensure Accreditation and Non-Discriminatory Policy)
- Copyright Infringement Policies and Sanctions, Including Computer Use and File Sharing* Academic Integrity; also see Intellectual Property Policy in Student Handbook, page 24
- Official Federal Loan Cohort Default Rate Disclosure