Coronavirus Information
Coronavirus Information
CRRSAA/HEERF Student Grant Reporting Final Report
Updated June 30, 2022
Click to view final Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting for all HEERF I, II, and III grant funds.
Updated June 2, 2022
The US Department of Education has awarded Southwestern Adventist University a grant of $1,973,556 to provide emergency aid to students under the subprogram Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act,2021(CRRSAA) and American Rescue Plan of 2021 (ARP).
In Spring 2022, the University has awarded the $1,973,556 to 610 students out of an estimated eligible 696 students. The distributions made to students ranged from $225 to $4,100 per student and students with lower Estimated Family Contributions (EFC) received higher distributions based on the criteria below.
EFC Range | Percentage | Possible Amount | |
0-1500 | 100% | 900 | |
1501-5500 | 75% | 675 | |
5501-22600 | 50% | 450 | |
22601-99999 | 25% | 225 | |
Students were also informed by email that they could request additional amounts based on their housing, food, tuition and related expenses, healthcare, or childcare needs if they filled out an application. A link to the application accompanied the email. A committee review the applications and awarded additional amounts where needed.
Detailed Spending by Quarter
Second Quarter 2022 (April 1, 2022 – June 30, 2022)
Total Q2 2022 Spending: $500
As of Jun. 30, 2022, SWAU had distributed a combined total of $500.
First Quarter 2022 (January 1, 2022 – March 31, 2022)
Total Q1 2022 Spending: $742,425.45
As of Mar. 31, 2022, SWAU had distributed a combined total of $742,425.45.
Fourth Quarter 2021 Spending - (October 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021)
Total Q4 Spending: $1,226,110.36
As of Dec. 31, 2021, SWAU had distributed a combined total of $1,226,110.36.
Third Quarter 2021 Spending (July 1, 2021 - September 30, 2021)
Total Q3 2021 Spending: $4,520
As of Sept. 30, 2021, SWAU had distributed a combined total of $4,520.
Updated April 10, 2022
To view a report for Institutional portion of HEERF Expenditures, click here.
Updated February 14, 2022
As of February 14, 2022, the use of face coverings will be optional on campus. Students, faculty, and staff may choose to wear or not wear a face covering based on individual preference or health and safety needs. Please note that there may be some individual spaces that will continue to require masks, such as the health services office or instructional labs. These spaces will be communicated to students by faculty and staff. As has been the case throughout this pandemic, we appreciate the respect and consideration our campus community has shown to each other. We expect the same level of respect to continuing regardless of individual choices.
Factors considered include a downward trend in COVID-19 cases for Johnson County, very low to no cases on campus, and widely available vaccine access and testing.
SWAU will continue to monitor campus data and local trends. Campus case counts will continue to be reported internally on a regular basis. As has been the case with this pandemic, our policies may be adjusted in accordance with significant changes in trends.
We continue to be committed to the health and safety of our campus. Please continue to practice health measures that reduce the risk of illness including frequent hand washing and following sickness protocols if you develop any symptoms. Continue to monitor your health, both physical and mental. Don’t hesitate to contact Health Services (817) 202-6425 or Student Services (817) 690-2256 for assistance, testing, and other resources. Questions can be emailed to COVID@swau.edu.
Updated January 6, 2022
To view a report for Institutional portion of HEERF Expenditures, click here.
Updated January 3, 2022
Dear SWAU campus family. Happy New Year!
As we look ahead, I am excited to see what is in store as we continue to grow together. I pray that each of you will feel the reassurance that God is faithful and will continue to bless what we commit to Him.
Spring semester begins this week, and we are committed to delivering face-to-face education on campus. As we monitor the latest COVID-19 surge it is important for us to take care of our individual health and take into consideration our community. The nature of this surge indicates an expected rise in cases. This expectation, in addition to the return of students to campus, has prompted the following temporary requirement.
In addition to the updates published last week, face coverings will be required indoors. Face coverings should be used in classrooms and labs when used for academic instruction, and other designated indoor settings where social distancing may not be possible. Outside of these required areas, students, faculty and staff can choose to wear a face-covering in other indoor or outdoor settings based on their individual health and safety needs.
All sickness protocols remain in place. Please contact Health Services to arrange for testing if you have new symptoms of illness. Refer to the sickness protocol for detailed steps to take when sick.
For any individual questions or concerns, please email COVID@SWAU.EDU .
Please remember to communicate concerns and practice compassion.
Updated December 29, 2021
The Omicron variant has caused a widespread increase in cases. Local reports have indicated higher cases in Johnson County, with the current 7-day average at 50 cases (about 26 cases per 100,000 people). According to a local health official on our medical task force, though there is a rise in cases, the number of patients being admitted locally remains low. This seems to be in line with reports of a less severe, though more contagious, variant.
CDC guidelines for isolation have been shortened from 10 days to 5 days (followed by 5 days of mask-wearing) for asymptomatic individuals who test positive. Quarantine for individuals in close contact with a positive case varies based on vaccination status. Read more at CDC.gov.
SWAU Campus Response and Information
- Vaccine survey. At the beginning of the spring semester, faculty, staff, and students will receive a link to complete a COVID-19 vaccination form. This will allow the university to have the information needed to comply with any upcoming government mandates and provide accurate information regarding vaccination rates on campus.
- Increased testing capacity. The university has the capacity to administer rapid tests onsite and purchase tests in bulk. The limitations are currently pricing and availability of tests. We are working to increase access to tests and are currently comparing pricing from multiple vendors. Our goal is to have testing available and accessible to our campus.
- Vaccine access. Campus Health Services will continue to provide resources for anyone who would like to receive a vaccine or booster.
- Recommendations. As always, we encourage everyone to continue to take care of their health and practice good hygiene. As we return to campus individuals may choose to wear masks based on vaccination status, for added protection, or based on personal preference. Don’t hesitate to contact Health Services (817) 202-6425 or Student Services (817) 690-2256 for assistance, testing, and other resources. Questions can be emailed to COVID@swau.edu.
Updated October 29, 2021
Taking into consideration many factors including a downward trend in COVID-19 cases for Johnson County, very low to no cases on campus, and widely available vaccine access and testing, the following update to our existing policy will go into effect beginning November 1, 2021.
The use of face coverings will be optional on campus in both indoor and outdoor settings. Students, faculty, and staff may choose to wear or not wear a face covering based on their individual preferences or health and safety needs. Please note that there may be some individual spaces that will continue to require masks, such as the health services office or instructional labs. These spaces will be communicated to students by faculty and staff. As has been the case throughout this pandemic, we appreciate the respect and consideration our campus community has shown to each other. We expect that same level of respect to continue regardless of individual choices.
SWAU will continue to monitor campus data and local trends. As has been the case with this pandemic, our policies may be adjusted in accordance with significant changes in trends.
We continue to be committed to the health and safety of our campus. Please continue to practice health measures that reduce the risk of illness including frequent hand washing and following sickness protocols if you develop any symptoms. Continue to monitor your health, both physical and mental. Don’t hesitate to contact Health Services (817) 202-6425 or Student Services (817) 690-2256 for assistance, testing, and other resources. Questions can be emailed to COVID@swau.edu.
Updated October 20, 2021
The US Department of Education awarded Southwestern Adventist University additional grants of $400,581 and $1,172,394 to provide emergency aid to students under the subprogram Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act,2021(CRRSAA) and American Rescue Plan of 2021 (ARP). As of June 15, 2021, the University awarded $416,190 to 455 students out of an estimated eligible 486 students. The distributions made to students ranged from $300 to $2,800 per student and students with lower Estimated Family Contributions (EFC) received higher distributions based on the criteria below.
As of July 10, 2021, an additional award or $679,960 was made to 678 students based on criteria set for EFC amounts and individual aid requests. See EFC criteria set by the university in the graph below:
EFC Range | Percentage | Possible Amount | |
0-1500 | 100% | 900 | |
1501-5500 | 75% | 675 | |
5501-22600 | 50% | 450 | |
22601-99999 | 25% | 225 | |
On October 20, 2021, Students were informed by email that they could request additional emergency funds based on exceptional needs to cover housing, food, tuition and related expenses, healthcare or childcare needs. A link to the application for additional funding accompanied the email. A student financial services committee reviewed the applications and recommended award amounts based on financial need metrics, application information and relevant input from faculty and staff based on student interviews.
Updated October 10, 2021
To view a report for Institutional portion of HEERF Expenditures, click here.
Updated August 16, 2021
Faculty, Staff, Students and Parents,
Southwestern Adventist University looks forward to opening our campus safely for all Knights. We are committed to an on-campus experience that includes in-person classes, student events and activities, athletics and worship together as a campus family.
We have been monitoring state data and cases of COVID-19 are increasing in our local community. The Delta variant has been shown to be more contagious and cases are increasing among individuals that are 20-40 years of age and those that are unvaccinated. While personal responsibility is very important, we also have a responsibility to implement measures to keep the campus safe in response to current data.
The following COVID-related protocols will go into effect Tuesday, Aug. 17.
Face Coverings. In indoor settings, face coverings will be required on a temporary basis. This includes the requirement that face coverings be used properly (covering nose and mouth) in classrooms and labs when used for academic instruction, the cafeteria serving line, the library, indoor group gatherings such as assembly and vespers and other areas designated by posted signs. Outside of these required areas, students, faculty and staff can choose to wear a face covering in other indoor or outdoor settings based on their individual health and safety needs. We ask that you please keep a facemask with you at all times and respect others who might have personal or family health considerations.
Vaccinations. The CDC has reported that COVID-19 vaccines authorized for emergency use by the FDA are safe and highly effective in reducing the spread of the virus and in decreasing the possibility of serious illness and hospitalization. We encourage and will facilitate vaccination on campus. An on-site vaccination clinic will be available for all students, employees and their immediate families. Contact Health Services for more information or register here. The vaccine provided will be Moderna with the first dose administered on Sunday, August 22.
Testing. Testing for COVID-19 is available at no cost. Students may be required to undergo regular testing to participate in certain activities. Please contact Health Services to arrange for testing if you have new symptoms of illness or if you have been in contact with an individual who tests positive. Refer to the sickness protocol for detailed steps to take when sick.
Campus Updates. We are committed to providing you with updated information. A weekly email update will inform our campus family regarding active cases and community trends.
Administration is continually monitoring trends and seeking the advice of our medical taskforce team. As conditions change, our protocols are also subject to change. For any individual questions or concerns, please email COVID@SWAU.EDU.
We are all in this together! Thank you in advance for adhering to all protocols and respecting each other. Please remember to communicate concerns and practice compassion.
Thank you,
Ana Patterson
Updated July 10, 2021
To view a report for Institutional portion of HEERF Expenditures, click here.
Updated July 10, 2021
Southwestern Adventist University entered into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Education and received $400,581 under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students. As of November 24, 2020, the University has distributed $400,581 to 494 students of the estimated 494 eligible students. The University evaluated eligible students based on estimated housing, transportation, food, miscellaneous costs, and EFC related to the transition to distance learning in determining the allocation to each student. The University also provided students a way to request additional funds if the previous funds did not cover their expenses as reflected in the May 22, 2020 president’s letter to current students.
Greetings Southwestern Adventist University Students,
For many of you, you received funds from the University on Wednesday. You may be asking why. The U.S. Department of Education made funds available for emergency cash grants for higher education students to assist with expenses related to the disruption of campus operations. Southwestern Adventist University submitted a proposal for these funds and received $400,581. Funds have now been distributed to students based on specific guidelines. The guidelines restrict the funding to only students who are eligible to file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA). F1, DACA, and students who were exclusively enrolled online are not eligible for these grants.
If you were eligible to receive these funds, you either received a direct deposit into your checking account or will receive an actual check within the next few days.
We have distributed approximately 90% of the funds to students based on a formula that includes the student’s estimated family contribution (EFC). The remaining 10% of the funds will be distributed to students who have had extraordinary challenges as a result of the coronavirus.
If the funds you have received did not cover your expenses and you have had extraordinary challenges due to the coronavirus, please complete this application (application has closed) by 5 p.m on Friday, June 5. A timely and thorough review of applications will take place and the remainder of the funds will be distributed soon thereafter.
If you were not eligible to receive these emergency cash grants and have been adversely affected by the coronavirus, I encourage you to complete this same application as we are raising private donations to assist you.
If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact Duane Valencia, Assistant VP for Student Financial Services (valenciad@swau.edu) or call (817) 202-6533.
For those students not graduating, our plan is to begin fall semester on time with face-to-face classes. We will closely monitor the coronavirus situation throughout the summer and will ensure we have appropriate precautionary measures in place to safeguard our students, staff, and faculty as we start school in the August. I look forward to seeing you this fall.
Congratulations to all our graduates!! We are very proud of each of you! I look forward to celebrating with you on Sunday, August 9, at 10 a.m. at your graduation ceremony.
I hope all of you have a wonderful summer.
Blessings to you and your families,
Ken Shaw, Ed.D.
Updated May 17, 2021
COVID-19 Update
Southwestern Adventist University continues to keep the health and safety of our campus a priority as we track local trends, government orders and policies regarding COVID-19. Current indicators show a steady downward trend in infection rates and widely available vaccine access. As we move towards level green: prepared, our focus will be on practices that promote overall prevention of infectious disease. Please note that community trends will continue to be monitored and if indicators change, our practices and protocols may also change.
The following is a summary of important updates effective as of Monday, May 17
- Daily temperature checks and wristbands are no longer required for employees and students.
- On-campus and off-campus events and meetings are permitted.
- Face coverings will be optional on campus. The use of face coverings remains encouraged when physical distancing cannot be maintained.
- Sickness protocols remain in place. If you feel sick, please stay home.
- COVID-19 testing is available through the Department of Student Services.
- All COVID-19 cases should be reported to Health Services.
- Hand sanitizing stations and wipes will remain available for individuals to clean any common areas after use.
Campus Guests are welcome but must check-in at a designated location to complete a health screening and receive a wristband. Check-in locations include Findley Hall, Men’s and Women’s Residence Halls, Cafeteria, Library and Gymnasium.
Looking ahead to fall semester, we strongly encourage all employees and students to be fully vaccinated. You can find a local vaccine site here.
Updated April 10, 2021
To view a report for Institutional portion of HEERF Expenditures, click here.
Updated March 8, 2021
Governor Greg Abbott has issued Executive Order GA-34 related to the opening of Texas in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This order goes into effect Wednesday, March 10 and includes lifting operating limits and the mandated use of face coverings. Under the order, face coverings are still strongly recommended when social distancing cannot take place.
With the health and safety of our campus community as a top priority, Southwestern Adventist University will maintain its existing COVID-19 protocols through the end of spring semester. Protocols, including face covering requirements, have been effective in mitigating the spread of COVID-19 and have allowed the campus to remain open. Continued adherence to protocols is appreciated.
Updated January 10, 2021
To view a report for Institutional portion of HEERF Expenditures, click here.
Updated November 17, 2020
Throughout this semester Southwestern Adventist University has implemented the preparedness plan in all areas on campus to mitigate risks associated with the spread of COVID-19. Our campus has operated at Level Yellow: Precautious, with minimal community transmission. Over the past two weeks, an increase in community transmission and positive student cases has created a heightened level of concern and out of an abundance of caution, our administrative team has made the decision to move to Level Red: Pro-Active.
Beginning Tuesday, November 17th, the following changes will go into effect:
- Academic classes will move to an online format, except disciplines that require in-person components or in-person finals for completion
- All in-person, group activities (such as SA or social gatherings) will be postponed
- Athletics and extra-curricular activities are on pause for the remainder of this semester
- Visitors to campus will be restricted
- Residence hall students will have the option to return home beginning Tuesday, November 17th. For those students needing to stay on campus, the residence halls and cafeteria will remain open.
The health and wellbeing of everyone on our campus is a top priority. All current campus protocols will remain in place, including required face coverings, capacity limits, daily health screenings and temperature checks. Student Health Services continues to monitor all symptoms of illnesses daily. Students who suspect COVID-19 illness or exposure should follow the sickness protocol availabe here. For additional guidance and to access COVID-19 testing, students can contact Health Services at healthservices@swau.edu or (817) 202-6425 or Student Services at (817) 202-6219.
We value each of our students and it is our goal to continually serve them during this time. We want our students to succeed academically and complete the semester in good health. All students are encouraged to reach out to professors, deans or other staff members if they need assistance. Specific questions or concerns regarding COVID-19, can be sent to covid@swau.edu.
Updated October 29, 2020
To view a report for Institutional portion of HEERF Expenditures, click here.
Updated October 10, 2020
To view a report for Institutional portion of HEERF Expenditures, click here.
Updated September 29, 2020
On September 17, 2020, Executive Order GA 30 by the Governor of the State of Texas was issued “relating to a continued response to the COVID-19 disaster as Texas reopens”. This order went into effect on September 21, 2020 and reflects a “steady and significant” decline in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations since late July. Provisions in this order remove occupancy limits for specific establishments including but not limited to religious services conducted in churches, congregations and houses of worship and private institutions of higher education.
In line with the provisions provided by the order, classrooms, transportation services and public spaces will have the option to operate at 75% capacity when it is deemed beneficial and can be done safely. Safe practices, in accordance to CDC recommendations and the campus preparedness plan remain in place to protect students, faculty, staff and guests. Daily screenings, social distancing, proper hygiene and consistent use of face coverings will continue to be standard procedures.
Updated July 6, 2020
Updated Campus Face Covering Guidelines
On July the 2nd Executive Order No. GA-29 was issued by The Governor of the State of Texas outlining updated requirements for face coverings. In conjunction with this order, face coverings (cloth face mask, surgical mask, etc.) must be worn by all individuals while on campus. Face coverings are required indoors under all circumstances except for an employee working alone in a private office. When outdoors, face coverings are required when physical distancing of 6 ft cannot be maintained.
Updated June 29, 2020
In a changing world, our mission remains the same. We are committed to inspire the pursuit of Knowledge, Faith and Service. Our campus family is important to us and as we prepare for the start of the fall 2020 semester on August 24th, we have carefully considered how to open our campus to provide a safe and healthy environment.
As a reminder (see May 22nd update), the complete plan is designed with three implementation levels. The current plan is to begin fall semester at LEVEL YELLOW. Recognizing the ever changing nature of the pandemic, we are actively monitoring the situation and will respond to community spread of COVID - 19 accordingly.
The preparedness plan includes additional guidelines for all aspects of campus life. This will require us to be flexible, understanding and willing to adapt. You can find general information regarding our plan by visiting Prepared to Pursue.
Updated June 12, 2020 (figures updated based on date below)
Southwestern Adventist University entered into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Education and received $400,581 under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students. As of July 10, 2021, the University has distributed $400,581 to 494 students of the estimated 494 eligible students. The University evaluated eligible students based on estimated housing, transportation, food, miscellaneous costs, and EFC related to the transition to distance learning in determining the allocation to each student. The University also provided students a way to request additional funds if the previous funds did not cover their expenses as reflected in the May 22, 2020 president’s letter to current students.
Greetings Southwestern Adventist University Students,
For many of you, you received funds from the University on Wednesday. You may be asking why. The U.S. Department of Education made funds available for emergency cash grants for higher education students to assist with expenses related to the disruption of campus operations. Southwestern Adventist University submitted a proposal for these funds and received $400,581. Funds have now been distributed to students based on specific guidelines. The guidelines restrict the funding to only students who are eligible to file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA). F1, DACA, and students who were exclusively enrolled online are not eligible for these grants.
If you were eligible to receive these funds, you either received a direct deposit into your checking account or will receive an actual check within the next few days.
We have distributed approximately 90% of the funds to students based on a formula that includes the student’s estimated family contribution (EFC). The remaining 10% of the funds will be distributed to students who have had extraordinary challenges as a result of the coronavirus.
If the funds you have received did not cover your expenses and you have had extraordinary challenges due to the coronavirus, please complete this application (application has closed) by 5 p.m on Friday, June 5. A timely and thorough review of applications will take place and the remainder of the funds will be distributed soon thereafter.
If you were not eligible to receive these emergency cash grants and have been adversely affected by the coronavirus, I encourage you to complete this same application as we are raising private donations to assist you.
If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact Duane Valencia, Assistant VP for Student Financial Services (valenciad@swau.edu) or call (817) 202-6533.
For those students not graduating, our plan is to begin fall semester on time with face-to-face classes. We will closely monitor the coronavirus situation throughout the summer and will ensure we have appropriate precautionary measures in place to safeguard our students, staff, and faculty as we start school in the August. I look forward to seeing you this fall.
Congratulations to all our graduates!! We are very proud of each of you! I look forward to celebrating with you on Sunday, August 9, at 10 a.m. at your graduation ceremony.
I hope all of you have a wonderful summer.
Blessings to you and your families,
Ken Shaw, Ed.D.
Updated May 22, 2020 (12:00 PM)
On May 8th, Southwestern Adventist University announced its intent to re-open campus for fall semester 2020. Detailed planning to ensure the continued health and safety of our campus family is a top priority.
A Medical Taskforce team has been established to provide guidance on policies and procedures to help ensure the best start possible, along with best practices for continued campus monitoring and evaluation. The team includes community health experts and University representatives. The University appreciates the commitment, knowledge and service provided by the following community professionals serving on this team:
- Michelle Beeson, MD, FACEP Attending Physician, Emergency Medicine TX Health SW, EMS Medical Director Johnson County, Local Health Authority for DSHS City of Cleburne
- Dennis Haslam, MD, Attending Physician, Emergency Medicine TX Health Huguley
- Tammy Ellis, RN, CNAA, BC, FACHE Vice President and CNO TX Health Huguley
In addition, six taskforce teams made up of administrators, faculty and staff, are working to identify specific needs and develop campus-wide processes. Over the next few weeks, finalized plans will be completed to establish detailed policies, protocols, and monitoring/evaluation mechanisms to maximize health and safety for all areas of academic and student life.
Every aspect of the plan is being designed with three levels of implementation (outlined below) to ensure the University is prepared regardless of the local status of COVID 19 this fall. The University anticipates starting the school year at Level Yellow.
Level Green: Prepared
- No community transmission (Johnson County)
- No reports of positive cases affecting campus
- Focus on practices that promote overall prevention of infectious disease
Level Yellow:Precautious
- Minimal community Transmission
- No reports of positive cases affecting campus
- Focus on mitigation of transmission risk
Level Red:Pro-Active
- Moderate/Substantial Community Transmission or positive case of COVID-19 affecting campus
- Focus on coordinated response with local health officials
- Consider temporary or extended suspension of in-person instruction
Southwestern Adventist University is working diligently to be prepared and ready to provide students with the Christian education and experience we all value. Even with new procedures, we look forward to welcoming students on campus! Thank you to our extended community for your continued support and prayers for our administrators, faculty, staff and students.
Updated May 8, 2020 (12:00 PM)
Dear SWAU Students, Parents, Faculty, and Staff,
I am excited to announce that Southwestern Adventist University intends to safely open its campus beginning fall semester 2020. I look forward to having a more traditional fall semester which will include residential living, face-to-face and hybrid classes, and campus activities that are representative of the Christian environment we all cherish. These plans will be influenced by ongoing recommendations from local, state, and federal public health officials and the decline of COVID-19 cases. As we move forward, ensuring the continued health and safety of our University family is a top priority.
In order to facilitate and implement plans for the fall semester, the decision has been made to offer all summer classes online. In the upcoming months, the University will establish policies, social distancing strategies, cleaning protocols, cafeteria operations, academic transitions, etc. to ensure a healthy start to the school year.
This pandemic has been marked by uncertainty and the transition to online learning was unexpected. I want to thank you for your creativity and patience to the changing university environment. Your quick adaptation has been noted and greatly appreciated. As I have spoken with many students over the past six weeks, I have learned that they all greatly miss the interactions with their friends and with their faculty and staff.
For the students who are graduating, congratulations!! We look forward to having you and your families back on campus Sunday, August 9, for the graduation commencement ceremony when we can properly celebrate with you. Welcome to the alumni of Southwestern Adventist University!
For students who are not graduating, we miss you. On behalf of all of your SWAU family, we can’t wait to have you back on campus in the fall.
I pray that you will “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” Have a good and safe summer.
Blessings to you,
Ken Shaw, Ed.D.
Updated April 22, 2020 (5:00 PM)
During the COVID-19 crisis, Adventist colleges and universities have had to redefine their academic strategies to meet the needs of their students. The Association of Adventist Colleges and Universities has issued a statement on the future of Adventist Higher Education. Click here to read the article.
Updated April 3, 2020 (1:00 PM)
The Financial Aid office will be providing refunds to students who decided to move out of the residence halls and who are no longer using our dining services. The refunds are based on the days students stopped using these services. Refunds will be credited to students’ accounts. If there is no account balance the refund will be credited to the student’s account for next year or if requested, a check will be issued to the student.
Updated April 3, 2020 (12:00 PM)
The following summer 2020 classes will be offered fully online via Zoom during the following dates:
- Theology Department
- RELL 340 Intermediate New Testament Greek
- RELP 425 Field Evangelism
Offered May 11 - June 19, 2020 (6-week session)
- Education/Psychology Department
Offered June 8 - July 31, 2020 (8-week session)
Updated March 27, 2020 (5:00 PM)
Due to Johnson County's Stay Safe at Home orders which go into effect at 11:59 PM on Friday, March 27, 2020, we have made the decision to close the University's facilities to the public beginning Monday, March 30. Regardless, the public is welcomed to connect with university departments via phone by calling 817-645-3921.
Updated March 23, 2020 (5:00 PM)
Our various campus teams are actively exploring and planning ways to engage and support our students academically, socially, and spiritually. During a time when we must all alter our activities to help flatten the curve, it is our priority that social distancing does not cause social disengagement.
Please note the following updates:
- All students who live in places where there is a shelter-in-place order will need to complete the semester online and should not return to campus.
- The library is closed until further notice.
- Students needing access to academic buildings will need to be accompanied by a faculty or staff member.
- Graduation has been postponed until 10 a.m. Sunday, August 9, 2020. The Nursing Pinning Ceremony will take place that Saturday evening at 6:00 p.m. More details to follow.
Updated March 19, 2020 (4:00 PM)
Our Crisis Management Team met today for several hours to review the comments from Texas Governor Greg Abbott, review the latest updates from the CDC and sharpen contingency plans. We discussed and formulated processes on how to deal with campus visitors and access to buildings and computer labs. We noted:
1. Cleaning Services staff are hard at work making things sanitary,
2. Our faculty are in training today to develop plans to continue to deliver a top-notch Christian Education online, and
3. Student Services staff are making plans to create a campus life with as much normalcy as possible for our returning students within the current health guidelines and with the ultimate goal of keeping everyone healthy and safe during these uncertain times.
Pastor Russ Laughlin, VP for Spiritual Development, shared the following relevant message with the SWAU family earlier today.
"Good Afternoon Southwestern Family,
This spring break has certainly turned out to be very different then we planned! These are interesting, uncharted times. As I type this email, I am praying that you are healthy.
This week I have been reading and reflecting on two chapters of Scripture. The first has been Psalm 91. This Psalm speaks of God’s power to protect His people from plagues and pestilence. While this was written hundreds of years ago, we still have hope in a powerful, protecting God.
As I focused on Psalm 91, I also was reminded of Daniel 3 where the three Hebrew men on the plain of Dura told the king that God could save them from the furnace ... but if He did not save them, they would still serve Him. These men lived their faith!
It is so easy to talk about faith. Our tagline is Knowledge, Faith, Service. I really like our tagline. It helps define who we are. When the academic year is running smoothly, faith seems to come naturally. But, in these interesting, uncharted times, faith, or lack thereof is revealed.
Today, I am thankful for the powerful God of Psalm 91 and I long for the faith of Daniel 3.
May God hold the SWAU family as we continue to serve Him.
Praying for you.
God bless!"
Updated March 17, 2020 (2:00 PM)
Commitment to Learning
It is our goal to ensure our students are able to complete the courses they started this semester. With an intent to accommodate students to the best of our abilities, the following actions are being taken:
- After Spring Break, students who choose to return to campus will be able to return to the residence halls upon clearance from Student Services.
- All courses are moving online effective March 30, 2020.
- Students may choose to live on campus or stay at home.
- Gymnasium, Cafeteria and Library will remain open with reduced hours.
- Professors are actively preparing for the transition to the online format.
- Students should expect correspondence from their professors regarding next steps.
Updated March 17, 2020 (8:00 AM)
As the situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve, Southwestern Adventist University remains committed to the safety and well-being of our students, faculty, staff, and extended community. Additional updates will be forthcoming as we prepare for the changes ahead. We encourage students to stay up to date with detailed announcements through their campus email.
Commitment to Learning
It is our goal to ensure our students are able to complete the courses they started this semester. We are discussing and preparing for the best course of action for each area of study. It is our intent to accommodate students to the best of our abilities.
Commitment to Services
After spring break, students will be able to return to residence halls upon clearance from student services. Students are required to complete our campus Travel Log prior to returning from break. Please monitor campus emails for further details.
For 30 days, through April 15, all campus facilities will mostly be restricted to current students, faculty and staff. Certain departments/buildings will operate with limited hours or access. Please contact departments for specific details.
Through April 15, all public University events, on and off site, are postponed or canceled. Student assemblies and vespers will be streamed on Facebook and YouTube without a live audience.
- Alumni Homecoming Weekend is postponed until 2021.
- Graduation Weekend plans will be announced as soon as they become available.
Commitment to Well-being
Custodial Services is implementing a campus sanitation plan during the two weeks of Spring Break. This process entails wiping all desks, chairs, doors, and all high touch areas, as well as using an electrostatic sprayer with a chlorine based solution to thoroughly disinfect all areas.
Following the extended Spring Break, these processes will continue regularly. Additionally, individual departments are being equipped and trained with the resources and information needed to keep their areas sanitized.
Healthcare and counseling services will continue to be offered to our students.
Commitment to Faith
Please know that your Southwestern Adventist University family is praying daily for our students, employees, and community. We believe that prayer is our strongest weapon to combat fear and anxiety. As we continue to consider the best course of action, please keep our institution in your prayers as well. Even in this time of uncertainty, as Christians, we cling to the truth of God’s promises and the assurance that He cares for each of us.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33 NIV
Updated March 13, 2020
As of noon today (March 13), the state of Texas has declared a statewide emergency in response to COVID-19 (coronavirus). As the situation continues to evolve, Southwestern Adventist University remains committed to the safety and wellbeing of our students, faculty, staff, and community. In response to this national crisis, we are taking the following steps to ensure that we continue to safely provide a high quality education for our students.
Spring Break will be extended by one week, with limited on-campus activity resuming March 30.
We are working to ensure our students are able to complete the courses they started this semester. This may include delivering selected course content online for the remainder of the term. Further information will soon be available.
The following essential services will continue: residence halls, dining services, the Chan Shun Library, and offices. Students are welcome to return to campus and access these facilities.
As of March 13, the following events have been cancelled:
the 48-Hour Film Challenge
University Experience
Nursing Transfer Day
Adventist Intercollegiate Association Convention
Student Association Mimosa Banquet (Postponed)
As additional events are cancelled, we will update this list.
The Southwestern Adventist University family announces this news with sadness. We believe in the value of face-to-face education and the personal interactions that occur on our campus. We remain committed to maintaining both academic integrity and student support during these difficult times, and we are working actively to develop plans for course completions. Updates will be provided at https://www.swau.edu/virusinfo. Students should also check their emails frequently for additional information.
In accordance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) goals and recommendations, we have taken these actions to help slow the spread of COVID-19, which is vital for protecting the vulnerable and preventing our healthcare infrastructure from being overwhelmed. Though our campus has yet to be affected by COVID-19, we are monitoring the situation with vigilance. For further information on COVID-19 and North Texas, please visit the following CDC links:
What You Should Know
Updated March 12, 2020
Southwestern Adventist University is deeply committed to the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff; this is our first priority. Administration has been regularly monitoring the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) situation and its potential impact on our campus. The University is following guidelines and recommendations from public health experts, who have the best understanding of how to carefully manage public health risks.
Currently the risk in North Texas is low and there are no confirmed cases on campus.
An Emergency Management Team is activated and has been meeting regularly. The team is communicating with regional and state health officials to ensure Southwestern Adventist University is following proper procedure and creating adequate protocols for planning, preventing, and responding further, if and when needed. The team is monitoring CDC guidelines and recommendations specific to higher education.
Measures have been implemented in various spaces on campus to help prevent the spreading of germs.
Currently we are planning to continue classes, spring break, and campus events as currently scheduled. As this situation is evolving, updates will be promptly announced.
We are reminding students via written and announced correspondence to take measures to stay healthy.
The following links to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provide valuable information:
What You Should Know