Ignite Service Day
Serving our community with helping hands, warm hearts, and smiling faces!
Contact us
Email: ignite@swau.edu
Serve on Ignite Service Day!
Join us for "Ignite Service Day" on October 1, 2025.
What to Expect: The day begins at 8:00 a.m. with worship and orientation in the Leiske-Pultar Gymnasium. You will receive your service day t-shirt and a sack lunch, then head out with your team to participate in one of the projects. Transportation is provided. Most groups will return to campus by 4:00 p.m. If you have responsibilities that won’t allow you to help all day but want to participate, please email sgrady@swau.edu for additional opportunities. That evening at 7:00 p.m., we will wrap up the service day at the Keene Church Fellowship Hall. More details will be given out on October 1.
Requirements & Recommendations: Many of the projects have requirements, such as wearing closed-toed shoes, long sleeves, and long pants. Before you head to the gym on service day, know the requirements for your project. Information about each of the sites can be found by clicking on the project name listed below.
Get Involved: Be part of this meaningful experience and help us fill every position as we strive to make a significant difference. Review all the options below, click on the project that interests you, and sign up to secure your spot and be part of something extraordinary!
Sign-ups will begin in August.
Ignite Service Day 2024
Service Day has become an event, with more than 310 students supporting dozens of organizations across Johnson and Tarrant counties in Texas each year.

Learn about last years impact
Ignite Service Day 2024
Service Day has become an event, with more than 310 students supporting dozens of organizations across Johnson and Tarrant counties in Texas each year.