Dinosaur Science Museum
Come and see one of America's largest dinosaur fossil collections!
When you visit the Dinosaur Science Museum, you have the unique opportunity to interact with one of America's largest dinosaur fossil collections. It is here, on the campus of Southwestern Adventist University, that more than 30,000 dinosaur bones are cleaned, cataloged, and preserved.
Take a fossil class
We are excited to offer a Fossil Preparator Training class. This course will meet for an entire day of sessions and will provide training in the basics of paleontology, excavation, preparation, preservation, curation, and more!
Fossils database
Browse our curated collection of dinosaur bones! Search any criterion to find a specimen. The list will include 200 items per page.
The dig expedition
We offer the unique and rewarding opportunity to quarry in an extremely rich bone bed, where the remains of several upper Cretaceous dinosaurs are being found. The project provides an exciting experience in the quarrying techniques and the joy of discovery for all participants.
Support Our Field Station
Help support the continuation of a project that started two-and-a-half decades ago. As we continue to make breakthroughs in the paleontology world, we become increasingly knowledgeable of these ancient species and what their world was like.

Support Our Field Station
Help support the continuation of a project that started two-and-a-half decades ago. As we continue to make breakthroughs in the paleontology world, we become increasingly knowledgeable of these ancient species and what their world was like.

Film and Lecture Series
For one month every year, Dr. Art Chadwick and Dr. Jared Wood travel from Southwestern Adventist University to the 8,000-acre Hanson Ranch and Research Center in Eastern Wyoming. They are joined by more than 100 participants, consisting of scientists, students, and paleontology enthusiasts from around the world.
"The Dig" is a reality series that lets the viewer experience the sights, sounds, and stories of summer with the research team. Directed by award-winning filmmaker and Southwestern Adventist University communication professor Paul Kim, the series features stunning imagery of Eastern Wyoming and its epic storms while giving a compelling depiction of the emotional journey undertaken by everyone who makes it through the month-long adventure.
Click here to watch
Museum Statistics
Database for digitally documented fossils in the world
30K +
Fossils make up our museum
Distinct species represented in our museum
Dr. Jeremy McLarty
“Our museum is the result of years of passionate, hard work. We are excited to offer our students and community the opportunity to experience paleontology in a hands-on way and become involved in our research. "

Dinosaur Museum Director
Dr. Jeremy McLarty
“Our museum is the result of years of passionate, hard work. We are excited to offer our students and community the opportunity to experience paleontology in a hands-on way and become involved in our research. "