Grady, Susan
President Office
President's Hospitality Coordinator
First Joined SWAU
18 years ago
Susan grady has served Southwestern Adventist University, its faculty, staff and students since 2007 as administrative assistant to the president. Before moving to Texas, Susan spent time in Bolivia launching a children's ministry project and homeschooling her boys. Prior to that, she managed a Washington DC law firm for 12 years.
During her years at SWAU, Susan has planned campus social events and coordinating meetings, and has become the go-to person both for common and out-of-the-ordinary inquiries from the campus family and community. Her gift of hospitality has ministered to the students in providing home-cooked meals for Bible study groups, Sabbath Schools, and celebrations. For many years she has helped sponsor the annual spring break Navajo mission trip to Arizona, providing fundraising opportunities for participants through the sale of her famous home-made veggie burgers.
Passionate about serving others, Susan looks forward to interacting with alumni in her new role as alumni director.
Susan and her husband Scott are blessed with two wonderful sons and daughters-in-law, all four are graduates of Southwestern Adventist University. Susan and Scott are also the proud grandparents of two precious boys.