Bunch, Thomas
President Office
Grant Writer
First Joined SWAU
48 years ago
Thomas Bunch has lived in the Keene area and been employed by SWAU since 1977. He started his career as the Chair of the Physical Education Department. His department was proud of their strong academics, physical activity classes and their intramural program. Mr. Bunch enjoys golfing, walking, fishing, traveling, cruising and spending time with his wife. They have been married for over twenty-five years and together have six children and nine grandchildren. Mr. Bunch has been employed in Adventist higher education for fifty years.
B.S. Physical Education 1966 Pacific Union College, Angwin, CA
M.S Physical Education 1969 California State University - Sacramento
Ed.D. Physical Education 1975 Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
Published Works
“The History of Physical Education at Pacific Union College.” Master’s Thesis, California State University - Sacramento, 1969
“A Roentgenographic Survey to Determine the Incidence of Residual Medical Epicondylar Apophyseal Avulsion.” Doctoral Dissertation, Brigham Young University 1975
“Little League Elbow: A Decade Later.” The Physician and Sportsmedicine, May 1978.
“Health Principles” Home Study Institute, Washington D.C., 1978.
“The College Student and Physical Fitness.” College Life, Winter 1982.
“Nowhere to Go.” Published in College Faith, Ronald A. Knott, Editor, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Boise, Idaho, 1995
“FISH CAMP - If it can happen in a Fish Market, it can happen at SWAU”, presentation to the SWAU Faculty at the Fall 2001 Faculty Development.
“Academic Advising as Teaching,” presentation to the SWAU Faculty at the Fall 2002 Faculty Development.
“Faculty Who Make a Difference”, presentation to the SWAU Faculty at the Fall 2002 Faculty Development.
“In the Image of God”, presentation to the SWAU Faculty at the Fall 2003 Faculty Development.
“Academic Advising Update”, presentation to the SWAU Faculty at the Fall 2003 Faculty Development Day.
“Duck on a Rock, John Bunn, and The Adventist Church”, presentation to the Adventist Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance at their annual conference, March 29, 2004, New Orleans.
“John Bunn - the Knute Rockne of Basketball”, presentation to the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance at their annual convention, March 31, 2004, New Orleans.
“Why the ‘Y’.” Published in College Faith - 150 Christian Leaders and Educators share Faith Stories From their Student Days. Ronald A. Knott, Editor, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Boise, Idaho, 2004.
“Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory Accreditation Support” December 2007 revision, page 3, “Mapping SSI to SACS criteria”