Southwestern Senior Sendoff

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Top performer on social mobility


Most diverse college in Texas


Safest college campus

Licci Zemleduch
Susan Grady

Licci Zemleduch

A business owner, professor, and innovation center leader

”Teaching is a privilege and a big responsibility. I take every opportunity to share my own business experience with my students. It is more than imparting knowledge, it is about sharing values and reinforcing principles. I feel accomplished when my students tell me that they got a job, or a client is putting into practice what they learned in class.”

Susan Grady

Her service, mission, and purpose

Susan Grady has served Southwestern Adventist University, its faculty, staff, and students since 2007 as administrative assistant to the president. Having grown up in Adventist education, she shares the University’s mission to inspire knowledge, faith, and service through Christ-centered education.

Before moving to Texas, Susan spent time in Bolivia launching a children’s ministry project and homeschooling her boys. Prior to that, she managed a Washington D.C. law firm for 12 years. Susan and her husband Scott are blessed with two wonderful sons and daughters-in-law, all four are graduates of Southwestern Adventist University. Susan and Scott are also the proud grandparents of two precious boys.

During her years at SWAU, Susan has connected with the faculty and staff by planning campus social events and coordinating meetings and has become the go-to person both for common and out-of-the-ordinary inquiries from the campus family and community. Her gift of hospitality has ministered to the students by providing home-cooked meals for Bible study groups, Sabbath Schools, and celebrations. God has used Susan to encourage students in their spiritual journey through the weekly Women at the Well devotional luncheon. For many years she has helped sponsor the annual spring break Navajo mission trip to Arizona, providing fundraising opportunities for participants through the sale of her famous homemade veggie burgers.

Passionate about serving others, Susan looks forward to interacting with alumni in her new role as alumni director.
Join us as we welcome her into this new role.

Dr. Arthur Schwarz

What his seagrass research means and how it is helping the world

Seagrasses are submerged vascular plants that live in estuaries off the gulf coast of Texas and similar habitats in other parts of the subtropics and tropics. Of the three plant communities that occupy this type of habitat, seagrasses are the least understood and appreciated when compared to salt marshes and mangroves. Yet seagrasses perform valuable functions, such as: 

  • Nursery habitat for most species of commercial and noncommercial species of fish and shrimp

  • Shore stabilization by dispersing wave energy as waves approach the shore

  • Improvement of water clarity by stabilizing sediment 

  • Sequestration of carbon from the atmosphere into the sediment around their roots (at rates greater than that of a tropical rainforest), thus mitigating the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide and climate change

In the past 100 years or so, Texas has lost about 70 percent of its seagrass communities.  The losses continue, but my research colleagues and I have restored beds at a number of sites on the gulf coast of Texas.

Jerry Potter, Student Financial Services

Dedicated to students and families

A man once asked a young girl, “How can God love us all when He has so many of us?”

She replied, “Because He has only one of each one of us.” 

Religion was not a part of my growing-up experience. With no God to turn to, my life sunk lower and lower until I reached bottom. After 30 years of running from God, He caught me. Then there were Bible studies, baptism, and a new life. I now had a faith with hope and a purpose in life.  

I needed to be “refined” a bit though. When you follow God, you will find the path can hurt at times. After almost 15 years of door-to-door work as a Seventh-day Adventist literature evangelist, the Lord sent me to Southwestern Adventist College to finish my degree. When the classroom work was done, Jesus then polished me a bit more by putting me in the Student Accounts Office.  

During the past 26 years, God has allowed me to help many students in their search in life for the same things I once searched for too. I thank God daily for giving me my path in life. For each student and parent whom I seek to serve, I must remember that Jesus has only one of each one, and I must treat each as precious, for we truly are His treasure. 



Augustus F. Hawkins Center for Excellence Grant

October 22

The Story of the Committee of 100

October 14

Ignite Service Day 2024

October 9