The Write Spot
Need help writing your paper? Come see us at the Write Spot!
Contact us
Lindsey Gendke
Write Spot Director
Email: lindsey.gendke@swau.edu
Office Phone: (817) 202-6760
Phone: (817)202-6308
Need writing help? The Write Spot, our campus writing center, is a free tutoring service available to all SWAU students.
What do we do?
We can help with writing assignments for any class, at any stage of the writing process:
• understanding your assignment
• brainstorming
• drafting
• organizing
• revising
• editing
The Write Spot is staffed by SWAU’s four English professors and eight English majors/minors.
What to expect in a session:
A tutoring session runs like a coaching session, where we will help you point out patterns in your writing and demonstrate how to fix them. For most sessions, we will read your paper out loud, because this helps you and the tutor “hear” issues in the writing.
At the end of a session, the tutor logs notes about what was worked on; these notes are then emailed to you and your professor.
When are we open, and how do I make an appointment?
We are open approximately 30 hours per week and for several hours every day except Saturdays. Times vary based on the day of the week, so check the schedule before showing up.
View our schedule
To reserve an appointment in advance, visit swau.mywconline.com. The first time you log in to WC Online, you’ll be prompted to register for an account. Simply fill in the information and create your profile. Then, click on the Write Spot schedule–use the calendar view–and select your desired time and tutor. White spaces designate available times, which you may click on (or tap or touch) to reserve the time slot you want. A new window will open where you will be prompted to fill in some basic info about your assignment. After setting up your appointment, you should receive an appointment reminder.
To schedule an appointment in advance, follow these steps:
• Visit swau.mywconline.com
• You will be prompted to create an account with a username, password, and your student ID #.
• Once your account is created, click on the Write Spot schedule, calendar view, to see all available times and tutors.
• White spaces designate available times. Locate the time and tutor you want, and click on the appropriate square to reserve that time.
• You may schedule your appointment for 20 minutes, 40 minutes, or 60 minutes.
• Be sure to choose “face-to-face” or “online.”
• Please fill in the requested info about your assignment, so our tutors can prepare.
• After you click “create appointment,” you should receive an email confirmation and receive a reminder email the day before your appointment. (If you don’t see the reminder email, check your junk mail folder.)
If you need help making an appointment, please call the Write Spot, or call Dr. Gendke’s office phone.
Online appointments
If you need an online appointment, find a tutor on the Write Spot schedule who is designated as an online tutor. Make an appointment following the instructions above, but be sure to click “online appointment” in the pop-up box where you explain your assignment.
To enter your online appointment, log back in to WC Online–we suggest five to ten minutes before your scheduled appointment time–and simply click your yellow (or red) appointment square, then click “start or join online consultation.”
Please note that we still accept walk-ins, and our tutors on duty can assist you in signing up for an appointment when you arrive. However, making an appointment ahead of time will ensure that you get the time slot you want.
How do I modify or cancel an appointment?
To modify or cancel an existing appointment, simply return to the schedule and navigate to the day and time of the appointment. Click on the yellow (or red) appointment block to open the “view existing appointment window” or tab. At the bottom of the form, you will find the options to “edit appointment” or “cancel appointment.”
Where are we located?
We are located in the Chan Shun Centennial library, in the library classroom at the back of the first floor.
We look forward to seeing you!