Student Employment
Build your professionalism and learn new skills.
Contact us
Email: success@swau.edu
Call: (817) 202-6275
Apply for On-campus Jobs
Any student taking six or more credit hours and is at least on Step 5 of the registration process is eligible to work on campus. Students may apply for a job by going directly to the department for which they wish to work or by applying online.
Apply for campus jobs
Education Inside and Outside the Classroom
From tutoring, to grounds, to working events or even behind the cameras, your participation in the employment program at Southwestern Adventist University (SWAU) is essential to your education and SWAU's success.
Education Inside and Outside the Classroom
From tutoring, to grounds, to working events or even behind the cameras, your participation in the employment program at Southwestern Adventist University (SWAU) is essential to your education and SWAU's success.
Work-study Program
Eligibility for work-study programs is based on the results of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). These programs are designed to give students work opportunities to help with University expenses and obtain experience that will complement each recipient's educational program or career goals.
Students indicate on their FAFSA if they want to be considered for a work-study award. Funds are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis to students who have remaining eligibility for additional aid they may receive during the school year. SWAU awards approximately $2,500 for the year. Students receive a portion of their award that is earned through their work-study job.
Federal Work-study Program
This is a federal program. Students work on campus or as reading or math tutors in one of the Keene elementary schools and are paid at least minimum wage. Students receive paychecks monthly through the Department of Business and Financial Services.
Texas Work-study Program
This is a state-sponsored program. Students receive monthly paychecks through the Department of Business and Financial Services for their work at their on-campus jobs.

Sarah Ferreira
Hey, I’m Sarah! I’m a junior education major, and this is my second year as a student worker. I work as a residence assistant for Harmon Hall and a student chaplain for the Office of Spiritual Life and Development (SLAD). These positions have been very valuable in teaching me what it takes to be a good leader. There is so much to learn as a student worker from your colleagues and supervisors, who often become your “work family.” For me personally, SLAD has given me the opportunity to grow confidence in my capabilities and to use my skills to honor God. I know that in the future I will look back on these years and be grateful for the mentorships I received as a student worker.
Jairo Diaz
As a student worker, it can be a hassle juggling work and studies, but having a job that gives me flexible hours is key to success. Working on campus gives me that flexibility. The work environment is safe and comfortable, providing a space to grow professionally. Relationships and rapport are built with faculty and staff and are a great way to make connections for the future when joining the workforce.
Working on Campus
Edgar Zelidon
“Working on campus has provided me the opportunity to make an impact at Southwestern Adventist University (SWAU), build relationships, and fully embrace SWAU culture. The jobs provided on campus give students like me the chance to build professionalism and learn new skills. One of the highlights of working on campus is a flexible work schedule to accommodate my studies. I advise any student to take full advantage of the on-campus job opportunities that Southwestern offers.”
Sarah Ferreira
Hey, I’m Sarah! I’m a junior education major, and this is my second year as a student worker. I work as a residence assistant for Harmon Hall and a student chaplain for the Office of Spiritual Life and Development (SLAD). These positions have been very valuable in teaching me what it takes to be a good leader. There is so much to learn as a student worker from your colleagues and supervisors, who often become your “work family.” For me personally, SLAD has given me the opportunity to grow confidence in my capabilities and to use my skills to honor God. I know that in the future I will look back on these years and be grateful for the mentorships I received as a student worker.
Jairo Diaz
As a student worker, it can be a hassle juggling work and studies, but having a job that gives me flexible hours is key to success. Working on campus gives me that flexibility. The work environment is safe and comfortable, providing a space to grow professionally. Relationships and rapport are built with faculty and staff and are a great way to make connections for the future when joining the workforce.
Working on Campus
Edgar Zelidon
“Working on campus has provided me the opportunity to make an impact at Southwestern Adventist University (SWAU), build relationships, and fully embrace SWAU culture. The jobs provided on campus give students like me the chance to build professionalism and learn new skills. One of the highlights of working on campus is a flexible work schedule to accommodate my studies. I advise any student to take full advantage of the on-campus job opportunities that Southwestern offers.”