The Daniel & Ruth McAdams Scholarship
Born in Lufkin, Texas, Dan McAdams played football for Groveton High School on a team that went to the state championships. His athletic ability and his position as class valedictorian prompted 13 colleges and universities in Texas to offer him scholarships. He was also offered an appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy. He chose to attend Southwestern Junior College. His mother had recently joined the Adventist Church, and Dan decided he would be more successful in life with God on his side. A gifted student in math and science, he became a lab instructor.
About his time spent at Southwestern Junior College, Dan said, "From the first week, the dedicated Christian teachers took a deep interest in my academic progress and spiritual growth. Morning and evening worship, Friday evening vespers, special early morning prayer bands, and the love of my new friends helped me make my decision to follow the Master . . . I knew that God had a plan for my life, and I wanted, under His direction, to fit my life into His plan." He chose to be baptized in 1930.
Dan was an ace salesman, working his way through college as a colporteur. He continued his education at Union College, and through the intervention of a matchmaker women's dean, he met and married Ruth Gardner. She too had been a high school honor student. She majored in English and education and finished college in 1932.
Dan served as publishing director of the Arkansas-Louisiana and Georgia-Cumberland Conferences, and then of the Antillian Union Mission and the Inter-American Division, both then located in Havana, Cuba. For 29 years he was Associate Director and later Director of the General Conference Publishing Department. He was a trustee of the E.G. White Publications for nine years.
After Dan retired, he and Ruth spent 10 years as field representatives for Southwestern's Committee of 100, raising more than half a million dollars and making innumerable friends for the college. Dan died in 1986. Ruth remained active until her death in 1996. She established this scholarship.
Scholarship award requirements
This scholarship is awarded to students based on their academic achievement and financial need who are planning a career in denomination work for the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Daniel & Ruth McAdams Scholarship
Students Recipients
2020-2021-Franklin Allen, Gardy Bontemps
2019-2020 -Daniel Verdugo Dominguez, Griselda Jobe
2018-2019 -Raynaldo Arias-Gomez, Joshua Aguilar
2017-2018 -Hazel Marroquin
2016-2017 - Kavin Draper, Stephen Gamallo
2015-2016 - Michael Cerda, William Soto
2014-2015 - Michael Cerda, Eber Ortiz, Daniel Perez, Evelyn Rubio
2013-2014 - Daniel Perez
2012-2013 - Garcia Montalvo, Kiehl Morgan, Nychelle Morgan
2011-2012 - Tomas Bueno, Kiehl Morgan, Shelot Pierre, Michel Rodriguez
2010-2011 - Fausto Castillo, Benjamin Garcia, Dustin Serns