The Elder George E. & Pearl Leffler Scholarship
Elder and Mrs. Leffler spent their entire life in Adventist ministry. Elder Leffler began his ministerial work in the Illinois Conference and served as pastor in Illinois, Iowa, Texas, and South Dakota. He was serving in Memphis, Tennessee, at the time of his death in 1940. After Elder Leffler's untimely death, Pearl Leffler moved to Keene, Texas, to live where her school-age sons, George Jr. and Jiggs, could receive a Christian education. In time all five of the Leffler's children were educated at Southwestern Junior College. This scholarship was established by Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Jiggs) Leffler, in honor of their parents and their dedication to the Lord's work.
Scholarship award requirements
The Elder George E. and Pearl Leffler Scholarship award is based on academic achievement and financial need and is for a junior or senior theology student.
Elder George E. & Pearl Leffler Scholarship

Student Recipients
2017-2018 -Miguel Simo
2016-2017 -WilfredoVanegas
2015-2016 - Gabrielle Hurtado
2014-2015 - Cindy Ortega
2013-2014 - Dominick Alipoon , Austin Powell
2012-2013 - Juscileide Gomez
2011-2012 - Molitoni Hola
2010-2011 - Dustin Serns
2009-2010 - Daniel Miller
2008-2009 - Carlos Rodriguez