Embracing Challenges: Kevin Pintor's Journey as a Colporteur
Colporting for Christmas
Feb 14 2024 - 8:38am
By: Samantha Regalado
Inspired by a summer experience and guided by prayer, Kevin Pintor, a sophomore theology student at Southwestern Adventist University, faced challenges, encountered miracles, and underwent personal and spiritual growth through his colporteur ministry. All of this is because of a profound calling from God.
During the summer of 2023, faced with many job opportunities, Kevin sought divine guidance on what he should do for his summer break. Kevin stated, "I remember the night I asked God to give me a clear sign of what job I should do over the summer." His prayers were answered the very next day when he received a call from the director of the Colporteur Ministry offering him to join. With perfect timing, God answered his prayer, and Kevin began colporting that summer. Seasons changed, winter break arrived, and Kevin, compelled to continue His work, accepted the challenge once again, spending his Christmas devoted to spreading God's word.
Facing rejection and prejudice, Kevin encountered moments that tested his resolve. He leaned on John 15:17-18, understanding that, just as Jesus faced rejection, so would he in this ministry.
Miracles and answered prayers were also part of Kevin's experience. One night, he told God that he wanted to sell a certain number of books, more than he had ever sold in a single day. Morning came, but after three hours, only one book had been sold. He started to lose hope, so he prayed, saying, "God, I thought this was supposed to be the best day. But please guide me. Let the Holy Spirit touch hearts to see life-saving words in these books. I don't care about the sales anymore; just help me through the day. Amen." Opening his eyes, he saw an elderly man sitting in a white truck. Kevin said one more little prayer and then approached. As he went and introduced the books, the man interrupted and insisted on buying all the books he had. Shocked, Kevin informed the man that half of them were in Spanish. The old man replied, "Well, give me all that you have in English." Kevin gave him six books. "I can use all these books because I left the church, I left God, but now I want to rebuild a relationship with Him and go back to church," the man said, handing Kevin a $100 bill plus a $300 donation for his tuition. Later that day, he sold the amount of books he prayed for to God. He felt God’s love and grace work through him on that fortunate day.
These challenges and miracles shaped Kevin's perspective. He learned to trust in God's plan, realizing that faith and answered prayers are at the core of the colporteur experience. Kevin's spiritual and personal growth during this ministry strengthened his faith, teaching him to be a better communicator and endure challenges with a resilient mindset.
In retrospect, Kevin recognizes the alignment of his theological studies with colporteuring. Both call for reaching out to the community, spreading the good news, and offering prayers to those in need. Despite the ups and downs, Kevin's unwavering faith and the realization that God answers prayers, continues to drive him to spread the gospel through the colporteur ministry.
Southwestern Adventist University is committed to offering high-quality education in a vibrant, faith-based campus community in Keene, Texas. SWAU offers opportunities to thrive and succeed while making lifelong connections. Learn more about how to attend SWAU at swau.edu/enrollment or email enroll@swau.edu.