A Choice to Believe Amid Uncertainty
Faith in Christ
Mar 9 2022 - 12:30pm
But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
When does your faith become just that, your foundation of belief? One of the most significant issues I have come across on campus is that many students utilize their parents, denominational leaders, or peers' faith. I would cast a stone, but I distinctly remember having the same sentiment in my first year of college. My parents dropped me off on a Thursday evening at Southwestern Adventist University. I remember living in the dorm, recognizing something I had for one of the first times in my life, freedom. No one was telling me lights off, turn off the television, or brush my teeth (don’t worry, I still did). Yet with this freedom came something else choice. I had complete autonomy to make my own choices. I made up my mind what type of human being, roommate, student, and follower of Christ I wanted to be in those moments. I chose; not my parents, my dean, or the professors. It was my decision.
So what type of human being, roommate, student, and follower of Christ are you? Is your decision predicated by your current religion class, the excellent sermon you recently heard, or the mood of your significant other? My challenge to you is to make your stand, your decision. If you yearn to make your faith genuine, then do just that. Make a choice and follow that determination.
We are at Southwestern Adventist University for a purpose. Some people are sacrificing on your behalf so you can attend a school where not only is education lauded, but first and foremost is a relationship with Jesus. The following are some practical ideas to help you make your walk with Jesus natural and your choice on this campus according to Hebrews 11:6.
1. Write down your statement of faith
- What is it you believe, who do you believe in, and what determines your decision-making according to your faith?
2. Seek accountability
- Faith is an individual choice, but we live it out in plurality. Share your statement of faith with those who are close to you with like-minded goals so they can encourage you on your journey with God and others.
3. Find a mentor
- A pastor, professor, administrator, dean, staff member, experienced church member, or another mature student can be a potential mentor. Find someone whose faith you admire and then sit down and ask them some tough questions about how to grow in your faith.
4. Make God your priority
- As you make your decision to live out your faith boldly, determine to start your day with God and end your day with him as well. It can be as simple as prayer, a Bible study, choosing a Christian theme song of the day, etc. Make God your priority, and he will honor your choice in honoring you.
Remember, when in doubt, pray it out. God is not distant. He is near, and he cares. If you are struggling with your faith, join the club. Faith is not the absence of doubt; it is the choice to believe amid uncertainty. I have confidence anyone can grow in their faith which depends on the one who is indeed Faithful!