More Scholarship Support for Honors Students
Honors Scholarships Increase
Feb 17 2025 - 2:18pm
By: Dr. Renard Doneskey
The Honors Program recently announced that the Honors Program’s financial scholarships will significantly increase starting the next academic year.
The scholarship amounts, starting in the Fall of 2025, will be:
$1,000 for freshmen (with the scholarship applied in the Spring)
$1,000 for sophomores (50% applied each semester)
$2,000 for juniors (50% applied each semester)
$4,000 for seniors (50% applied each semester)
The increase marks a significant increase in the current Honors scholarships. Dr. Renard Doneskey, the Director of the Honors Program noted, “These Honors students strive for excellence, which increases the academic reputation of SWAU as a whole. I’m very glad their hard work is being recognized and financially rewarded. That’s as it should be.”
Anjali Ramella, a junior Honors student, said, “I am beyond grateful for the increase in our scholarship fund. Over the past three years, there have been moments when I wondered how I would pay my school bill. Despite working three jobs on campus, making ends meet has been a constant challenge. Just a month ago, I was praying about how I would afford tuition for the next school year, especially since scholarships vary each semester, and this scholarship raise is truly an answer to my prayers.”
The Honors Program offers more than just financial incentives. Students receive special recognition at Commencement, by marching separately and by wearing special cords and an Honors medallion. The Program also takes students to a cultural event each semester: this Fall students attended a Lyle Lovett concert and in the Spring they will see the stage musical, Les Miserables at Bass Hall in Fort Worth. Also, the Program offers special social opportunities, such as several parties each year as well as access to a designated Honors Lounge.
The Honors Program offers students the opportunity to study multi-disciplinary themes and do original research in a subject they enjoy. Haley Seidel, for example, is close to completion on her thesis, “Analyzing the relationship between perceived self-efficacy in diabetes self-management and demographic characteristics for a population who attended a clinical diabetes education class in Fort Worth, Texas.” Her research demonstrates that age significantly correlates with lifestyle choices for those living with diabetes. Joya Mitchell, a junior Honors student, is currently working on a proposal to study the correlation between executive function, demographics, and the freshman experience at SWAU.
With additional scholarship funding, Honors students will have greater financial peace of mind while still having the opportunity to challenge themselves academically. Anjali Ramella said, “The program demands dedication, and it's incredibly reassuring to know that the school values and supports its students.”