Teaching and Sharing Christ as a SWAU Success Coach
A Living Example
May 12 2021 - 1:15pm
By: Erin Lambillotte
For sophomore theology major Samantha Lee, becoming a success coach for Southwestern Adventist University’s Pathways to Success initiative has been nothing but a blessing. Born in California, she made her way to Texas at a young age. Upon graduation from North Dallas Adventist Academy, she began studying at Southwestern Adventist University. Samantha has always enjoyed teaching and telling others about God - two important aspects of her work as a success coach.
Pathways to Success is part of the university’s Office of Student Success. The purpose of this initiative is to help students thrive after graduation. Focused on career preparation and placement, this program connects businesses and community partners with students from across all areas of study. Additionally, from the moment students begin their academic journey, Pathways to Success offers career counseling services and peer mentors - known as success coaches - creating a unique support system. Success coaches meet regularly with an assigned group of students, nurture them and offering encouragement throughout the year.
One of the major blessings for Samantha has come from her work as a success coach. The job has changed her perspective on life. “I look forward to my weekly check-in with my freshmen student group. Being a success coach is more than a job, it is a calling. I have found deep fulfillment as a success coach, and I have learned valuable skills that will last me a lifetime.” From the beginning of her college experience, Samantha has made it her purpose to be there for others in their walk with Jesus. She loves to teach and to help others, therefore her experience as a success coach has also served as a tool to bring other students to Jesus and to show His character through her example as a mentor.
“One of my education teachers emphasized once that the most important thing you will do as a teacher in the classroom is develop relationships. Creating and cultivating relationships for Jesus has been the most gratifying part of being a success coach at Southwestern Adventist University.” Through her work, Samantha has the opportunity to serve her peers, improve their academic experience and share the love of Jesus.