Students Lead Spring Week of Prayer
Sharing God Peer to Peer
Feb 22 2023 - 9:25pm
By: Michelle Bergmann
This month, Southwestern Adventist University students in the biblical preaching class have blessed their fellow students, faculty, and staff during Spring Week of Prayer. “Praise in the Storm” was the theme as the student preachers encouraged students to hold onto God, praise Him, and trust Him during life’s storms. In their messages, they shared personal experiences, pointed listeners to God’s promises, and presented relevant aspects of Bible stories.
Spiritual Life and Development Week of Prayer Coordinator, Andres Canizalez, shed some light on this week’s speakers. He explained, “They’ve all had different paths. Some students in the class are pastors’ kids; some of them were not even Adventists to begin with—they were out in the world, and God has called them to this journey to preach the Word of God to others.”
Special thanks go to Kris, David, Jose, Jairo, Daniel, Alan, Josue, and Andres for stepping up to give a message for God.
Sophomore nursing student Kathleen Johnson said she really enjoyed the Spring Week of Prayer messages because “it hits a little harder given from the perspective of someone who's my age or my own peers. These speakers, I know them, we hang out. To some of them, I can say, ‘Oh, I know you; I know how you like sandwiches; I know you don't like coffee.’ They seem much more human.” What left the biggest impression on Kathleen was “the bit about trusting God through the storms of life, which was a little ironic since it was storming outside at that moment,” she said. “Life is gonna be a bit rough, but God's still there.”
If you were not able to attend SWAU's Spring Week of Prayer, you can still be blessed. Watch each day’s messages at youtube.com/SouthwesternAU.