Knitting Hearts for Jesus Prison Ministry
SWAU Nursing Department & Knitting Hearts for Jesus Prison Ministry
Apr 10 2024 - 8:51am
By: Jordan Shelton-Greene
“When Dr. Kimbrow approached me with the baby blanket ministry initiative,” said Esther Odinmah, a nursing student at Southwestern Adventist University (SWAU). “I was thrilled to take part in it. I have always loved serving the community, especially for places that don’t receive as much attention compared to others.” Esther is one of the many SWAU nursing students who hand out hand-crafted blankets, scarves, stuffed animals and clothing at local children’s hospitals to those in need. “When I went with my clinical group to John Peter Smith hospital in Fort Worth,” Odinmah said. “I prayed that each family would be blessed with the blankets that we would pass out. When they needed someone to go in and speak to one of the mothers who was about to deliver, I was a bit nervous but also excited to know that someone’s day would be changed.”
The blankets are part of the Kitting Hearts Together with Jesus women’s prison ministry at the MTC Coleman Correction Facility in Lockhart, Texas. Between 40 and 50 inmates at the facility are given the opportunity to learn knitting and crocheting, coupled with Bible studies, small groups, and mentoring to help encourage them and grow their faith. The women create a number of different items: blankets, headbands, scarves, hats and more. These go to local hospitals and senior citizen homes, providing warmth and love to their recipients.
The SWAU Nursing Department partners with this ministry by providing nursing students to deliver these handmade items during their clinicals. The joy that radiates from patients upon receiving these gifts is only matched by the faces of the gift makers when they know that their knitting made a huge difference in someone’s life. “This ministry continues to have an impact on each, and every single person involved” said Odinmah “From the people making the blankets, to the people receiving the blankets, to those delivering the blanket, like me. God’s love and grace continue to change the hearts of people one blanket at a time”.