
Fact Book

Power BI Report
Fact Book

Student Achievement

Student Achievement Dashboard refers to students' academic and personal progress during their time in higher education. These achievements highlight students' abilities, growth, and readiness for professional or further educational pursuits.

Power BI Report
Student Achievement

Staff Demographics

Power BI Report
Staff Demographics

Graduating Senior Survey Results

The Graduating Senior Exit Survey Dashboard offers insights into the experiences of Southwestern Adventist University’s graduating seniors. It covers areas like academic support, student life, spiritual growth, and post-graduation plans.

Power BI Report
Graduating Students

Student Census Enrollment

Power BI Report
Student Enrollment Census

Degrees Conferred

The Degrees Conferred Dashboard provides insights into awarded degrees, tracking trends by degree type, department, academic program, and demographics.

Power BI Report
Degrees Conferred


Power BI Report
Admissions Dashboard